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Guest: Ted Rall

Ted Rall began his cartooning career in 1986 after a chance meeting with Keith Haring in Manhattan. Over the past ten years, he self-syndicated his comics to 12 papers and collected a B.A. in history. In 1996, he joined with Universal Press Syndicate, and now his cartoons appear in more than 140 newspapers, alternative weeklies, and magazines. His cartoons, with their somewhat controversial take on social issues and unique art style, have been collected in three volumes so far, and Ted has also written and illustrated four graphic novels, including 2024, a 'visually elegant graphic novel updating and parodying George Orwell's 1984'. He is also the editor of Attitude, a periodical collection of editorial and political cartoons published by NBM. Ted has also recently been hired by United Media to help acquire and develop new comics and text features for the company, such as the webcomics Diesel Sweeties and Boy on a Stick and Slither.

Ted will be performing reviews of portfolios by Stumptown attendees and exhibitors. Registration for exhibitors is still open, with plenty of tables remaining at this time.

Posted June 27, 2007 at 9:29 PM | Permalink
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