2012 Stumptown Comics Fest - Click for More Info
Stumptown Comics, Inc.
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Stumptown Comics Fest 2012 Flickr Group

Well, another Comics Fest has come and gone, and all we're left with are memories... And a ton of photos! Courtesy of our volunteer photographers and , as well as local photojournalist Deborah Lipski! The Official already has over 200 photos of exhibitors on the show floor from this weekend, and that number will only grow with your contributions!

Go , and relive the magic!

Posted April 30, 2012 at 7:02 AM | Permalink
icon-nav_calendar April is Comics Month! Date: Tue, Apr. 1, 2008 - Wed, Apr. 30, 2008

April is Comics Month in Portland, and we're bringing the party!

To champion and support the newly proclaimed Portland Comics Month, the Stumptown Comics Foundation has catalogued a staggering number of comics-related events in the Portland metro area for the entire month of April, culminating in the Fifth Annual Stumptown Comics Fest!

We've got signings by area talent, art shows opening at several galleries, readings at libraries, a 24-hour-comic challenge, a super-hero-themed pub crawl, and a freaking opera! Too many items to list individually, read the whole list here! If you're in the Portland Area, try to get out and see why April is Comics Month here!

And our extra special thanks to Mayor Tom Potter, Grace Uwagbae, Pollyanne Birge, and everyone else at City Hall for helping make this official!

Posted April 2, 2008 at 8:05 AM | Permalink
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