Guest: Matt Wagner

This year we're proud to be joined by Eisner-award winning creator Matt Wagner as he continues his nationwide tour celebrating the 25th anniversary of his iconic creator-owned character, Grendel. From Matt's own site:
Born and educated in Pennsylvania, his first published work was a short story that would introduce one of comicdom's most respected creator-owned characters--the mastermind assassin, GRENDEL. Best known for this epic creation and his other, more personal, allegory, MAGE, Matt has also worked on a variety of established characters. These include his ground-breaking work on the character of Batman villain, Two-Face, in the graphic novel, FACES, as well as a five-year stint both developing and generating the stories for the fan-favorite Vertigo title, SANDMAN MYSTERY THEATRE. His more recent efforts in this vein have included writing the DR. MID-NITE mini-series for DC Comics and serving as the regular cover artist on the Kevin Smith-penned relaunch of GREEN ARROW.
Known for his character-driven stories and his obvious love of the world's mythologies, Matt has also enjoyed the distinction of being one of the only writer/artists allowed to team his own creation with one of DC's flagship characters in two successive BATMAN/GRENDEL cross-overs.
In the past few years, Matt has also written and drawn several high profile projects for DC; a three-issue prestige series starring Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman; titled TRINITY and a year-long, project which comprised two mini-series that chronicled some of the earliest aspects of Batman's career, collectively titled DARK MOON RISING.
We're really excited to be part of Matt's year-long celebration of his work, which will be highlighted by reprints of some of his earliest Grendel issues, as well as some commemmorative sculptures, from his publisher Dark Horse Comics.
If you want to exhibit alongside Matt and our other guest creators at this year's Comics Fest, then download an Exhibitor Registration form and send it in - the early bird period ends on June 15th, so hurry!
And so we return and begin again.
Hey, everybody. Welcome to the website for Stumptown 2007! —Which is also, of course, the website for Stumptowns 2004, 2005, and 2006. We’re in our fourth year, and we’ve come a long way since that first crazy day in Portland’s Old Church.
Without further ado, let’s point out the important stuff:
As for who, well, along with you (we hope), we’re pleased to announce that Matt Wagner will be joining us as a special guest, so we can help him celebrate the 25th anniversary of Grendel. —Indy’s heading up our guest committe, so I’ll let him update you with additional names as we confirm them. We’ve got an electric and eclectic list planned, so keep checking for new names.
Beyond that, everything’s bigger and better and just plain more than even last year, which was awfully darn big. More tables! That are eight feet long, instead of six! More chairs, to go along with the tables! More panels, workshops, and special events! Big plans for 2008 and beyond! A slightly higher table rate! And more!
Registration forms for exhibitors are available here. Download, print, and postmark by June 15th for the early-bird rates. So get out your calendars and reserve the dates: we’ll see you at Stumptown at the end of September. Bring comics.
And so we return and begin again.
Hey, everybody. Welcome to the website for Stumptown 2007! Which is also, of course, the website for Stumptowns 2004, 2005, and 2006. We're in our fourth year, and we've come a long way since that first crazy day in Portland's Old Church.
Without further ado, let’s point out the important stuff:
As for who, well, along with you (we hope), we’re pleased to announce that Matt Wagner will be joining us as a special guest, so we can help him celebrate the 25th anniversary of Grendel. —Indy’s heading up our guest committe, so I’ll let him update you with additional names as we confirm them. We’ve got an electric and eclectic list planned, so keep checking for new names.
Beyond that, everything’s bigger and better and just plain more than even last year, which was awfully darn big. More tables! That are eight feet long, instead of six! More chairs, to go along with the tables! More panels, workshops, and special events! Big plans for 2008 and beyond! A slightly higher table rate! And more!
Registration forms for exhibitors are available here. Download, print, and postmark by June 15th for the early-bird rates. So get out your calendars and reserve the dates: we’ll see you at Stumptown at the end of September. Bring comics.