SCF2007 Photo Pool
For the visually-oriented among you, there's a new , so far with photos from the private pre-party hosted by organizers Kip Manley and Jenn Manley-Lee, and my photos from yesterday (sorry about the blurry ones, I'll weed those out later). if you've taken photos at the Fest, feel free to join the group and post away! Special thanks to official Stumptown photographers and for taking so many excellent table-portraits, and for setting up the photo pool!
Congratulations, Trophy Winners!
The winners for this year's Stumptown Trophy Awards were announced last night at the Cosmic Monkey After-Party, presented by Portland's own Mike Russell, and here they are:
Outstanding Art
12 Reasons Why I Love Her, Joëlle Jones
Outstanding Writing
Bookhunter, Jason Shiga
Outstanding Design
The Art of Bone, Cary Grazzini
Outstanding D.I.Y. - A TIE!
Postage Stamp Funnies, Shannon Wheeler
DAR: A Super Girly Top Secret Comic, Erika Moen
Outstanding Small Press
Reporter, Dylan Williams
Outstanding Debut
Finder: Sin Eater Hardcover Collection, Carla Speed McNeil
And the Outstanding Mystery Award went to The Artist Within, a book by Dark Horse Comics detailing the lives, work, and studios of over 100 comics artists in a beautiful oversized hardcover edition.
Congratulations to everybody who won an award, and thanks to everyone who attended the Comics Fest yesterday to vote! To see the full list of nominees, check out the Awards page.
Stumptown Trophy Awards Nominees!

Thanks to everyone who submitted their books for the first ever Stumptown Trophy Awards! We had a hard time paring them all down to a list of final nominees, but I think we've got a really solid representation of the wide range of work that will be showcased at this year's Comics Fest! Check out the Nominees right now, right here, on our Awards Page!
To be part of the Awards, come to the Fest and pick up a ballot on Saturday. Vote for your favorites, and turn it in by 5:pm at the front registration desk. Then join us at the Cosmic Monkey After-Party (Cosmic Monkey Comics, 5335 NE Sandy Blvd) to watch the Trophies get presented!
Comics Fest Weekend in Portland, OR!
The Events list for this weekend's Stumptown Comics Fest has been updated, and it's HUUUGE!
Check it out!
We've got a pre-show party at Guapo Comics, a Drink-&-Draw benefit for the CBLDF, Two full days of panels and workshops including a full day of classes and curriculum presented by PNCA, Spotlights with each of our special guests, a showcase featuring the Too Much Coffee Man Opera, a Dr. Sketchy's Life Drawing session, Two official afterparties on Saturday night, and an unofficial post-Fest gathering at coffeeshop/gallery/pool hall/internet gaming hub Backspace!
Oh, plus a two-day guerilla art show at the Sequential Art gallery.
It is Comics Fest Weekend in Portland!
Prepurchase your tickets now!
Announcing the availability of pre-purchased tickets to the Stumptown Comics Fest! If you follow the link to our store, you can order a Weekend Pass for the Comics Fest for $10, payable through PayPal. If you place your order before September 24th your tickets will be mailed to you. Tickets purchased after that date can be picked up at the Registration desk at the Fest itself on Saturday morning.
All Weekend Pass purchases also include two buttons and an official Stumptown Comics Fest poster featuring art by Portland artist and SCF2007 Special Guest Sarah Oleksyk, to be presented when you arrive at the Fest. Single day admission will be available at the door as well for $5 each day.
Volunteers Needed!
UPDATE: We have met our goal for volunteers! The Stumptown Comics Fest is no longer seeking volunteers. Thanks to all who have submitted to help out, and we'll see you all at the Fest!