The Stumptown Comics Foundation is very pleased to announce that Mayor Sam Adams has declared April Portland Comics Month for the second year in a row. This proclamation officially recognizes both the cultural importance and creative influence of this unique art form on the city, and builds on the strength and success of 2008's inaugural Comics Month celebration.
Portland has deep roots in the comic-book publishing world, as it is home to scores of industry professionals and several of the nation's most prominent comics publishers (Dark Horse Comics, Oni Press, Top Shelf Productions, and Image--Shadowline). Moreover, the local comics community continues to see significant growth, which further bolsters the Rose City's defining ties to the creative arts and industries.
To champion and support Portland Comics Month, the Stumptown Comics Foundation has once again catalogued a staggering number of comics-related events in the Portland metro area for the entire month of April. The current list is is to be had at Join us in this month-long celebration of sequential art--featuring the 6th Annual Stumptown Comics Fest, events from Multnomah County Libraries, galleries, bookstores, and organizations, and culminating in the annual nationwide Free Comic Book Day!