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10th Annual Stumptown Comics Fest
April 27 and 28, 2013 • Oregon Convention Center
Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-6


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2011 Stumptown Comic Arts Awards Nominees

Stumptown Comics Fest is proud to announce the final list of 2011 nominees for the Stumptown Comic Arts Awards as chosen by our panel of judges. And they are: Best Artist

Best Writer Best Cartoonist Best Letterer Best Colorist Best Publication Design Best Anthology Best Small Press Best New Talent Reader's Choice:
Voters are asked to list up to three of their favorite comics from April 2010 to April 2011. Any graphic novel, trade paper back collection, single issue or ongoing series, small press or online - whatever title has the most votes as determined by the readers will win this special prize. 

To vote in this year's awards, please visit:
After voting, you will receive an email which must be confirmed in order for your vote to be counted.

Judges for the 2011 Stumptown Comics Awards are: Michael Allred (Madman), Brandon Graham (King City), Laura Hudson (Editor, ComicsAlliance.com), Michael Ring (Owner, Bridge City Comics), and Jason Leivian (Owner, Floating World Comics).
Posted March 13, 2011 at 9:26 PM | Permalink


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