Date: Thu, Jan. 12, 2012
Time: 7:00 pm
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Join us on the second Thursday of every month for Portland's first Graphic Novel Reading Club! We meet at Bridge City Comics at 7pm (directions). Bring a chair and something to drink, if you'd like!
The very first Graphic Novel Reading Club (GNRC) was held on October 27, 2005 and we've been doing it every month since. It's a great opportunity to talk in-depth about comics and graphic novels. Every session, we discuss a book that we've previously chosen. We tend to pick new books two months out in order to give people time to buy, borrow or get them from the library so that they may be thoroughly read and digested for that book's session.
We have a wide range of people join us every month for the GNRC; Male, female, young (well, 21+), old, those who have read comics for years and those folks brand new to it! We also read books from every genre so there's always something new and interesting to discuss. It's not just the latest super-hero exploits! The books we've read include mysteries, science fiction, autobiographical, fiction, historical and much more.
SELECTION FOR January 12, 2011:
During the darkest days of the Civil War, wicked cutthroats came into possession of six pistols of otherworldly power. In time, the Sixth Gun. the most dangerous of the weapons, vanished. When the gun surfaces in the hands of an innocent girl, dark forces reawaken. Vile men thought long dead set their sights on retrieving the gun and killing the girl. Only Drake Sinclair, a gunfighter with a shadowy past, stands in their way.