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icon-nav_calendar Main Entrance, a Carolyn Main exhibition Location: Sequential Art Gallery + Studio 328 NW Broadway #113, Portland, OR 97209 ()
Date: Thu, Feb. 2, 2012 - Sat, Feb. 25, 2012
Artist Reception, First Thursday: Thu, Feb. 2, 2012, 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Sequential Art Gallery is excited to host Portland native Carolyn Main's first solo exhibition of her art, entitled "Main Entrance". We gave Carolyn carte blanche over the gallery space, and this is what she came back to us with...

The works presented will include varied renderings of couplings, both romantic and lewd, and a collection of prints. This will also be the premier of Carolyn's brand new pixel animation sequence, titled "Burn it Down (extended 3 minute cut)".

Reception will be 6-10pm on First Thursday, February 2nd, with wine, beer, and snacks. You can also pick up a pair of the artist's Zombie blood splatter panties, just in time for Valentine's Day! Some content in this show may be considered "mature".

Carolyn Main is an award winning animator and Internet authority on dick jokes (her words). The prolific artist is known for her cutting humor and flourish. You may recognize her art from Portland's weekly alt newspaper, The Mercury, or from the cult hit comic strip Sex Wizards. Visit her website to check out more of her art: www.carolynmain.com.

Opens: First Thursday, February 2, 2012, 6-10pm
Closes: Saturday, February 25, 2011
Open Thursdays 3-7pm, Saturdays 11am-5pm, or by appointment

Posted January 30, 2012 at 4:29 PM | Permalink


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