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icon-nav_calendar JOHNNY WANDER book signing with Ananth Panagariya & Yuko Ota Location: Floating World Comics, 400 NW Couch St., Portland, OR 97209 ()
Date: Wed, Mar. 28, 2012 - Wed, Mar. 28, 2012
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
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Johnny Wander is slice-of-life comics about life after college, striking out on your own, living with your friends, moving to a new city - all the moments in between the adult stuff, as seen through a lens of whimsy. Johnny Wander Vol. 1: Don't Burn the House Down came out in September 2010, followed up by Johnny Wander Vol. 2: Escape to New York in December 2011. It updates twice a week and can be read online at johnnywander.com.

Posted March 28, 2012 at 4:31 PM | Permalink


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