Stumptown Comics Fest - 2011
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Exhibitor Etiquette

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Joined: 16 Feb 2008
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:04 pm    Post subject: Exhibitor Etiquette Reply with quote

I will be attending Stumptown 2008 for the first time in April. Currently, I am a writer on a comic book project called Comics Obscura that is printed and based out of Michigan. I will be attending Stumptown as a visitor, but will be spending most of my time in the exhibitor hall meeting local artists and creators, and hoping to share copies of my own comic book.
I wondered if any trading of issues or merchandise is frowned upon? This year I won't be able to set up a booth partially due to timing and funding not set aside this year as the home crew in Michigan already hit events in Detroit and Chicago this past year. I'll mostly be strolling from booth to booth, bag of comics in tow.
Aauugh-- Charlie Brown on the Mound.
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Joined: 10 Jan 2006
Posts: 46
Location: Stumptown, Ore.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Howdy, Brad:

The best, most respectful thing you can do is to simply show the exhibitor your book and ask if they are open to trading. If they are, then ask them what they think is a fair trade for your comic - that puts the control into their hands, and you'll probably have a much more pleasant exchange.

But don't get upset or dismissive if they're not into trading - it's not fair to hand someone a 2-dollar photocopied comic and expect them to be willing to trade a $15 offset collection. Be reasonable about what you're offering, and try to look at the proposed transaction from the other guy's perspective.

I've been a small press trader myself for years (decades, almost!), and have benefitted greatly from the barter system at Cons. But I know not everyone is open to it, and you have to respect that as well.

It's all about having fun!
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