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Guest: Shaenon Garrity

In August 2000, the internet was introduced to a mad scientist named Helen, her lab assistant Mel, and the dependable punching-bag, Dave. This was the birth of Narbonic, Shaenon Garrity's much-loved and long-lived webcomic. It was retired in December of 2006, but not before becoming the first webcomic strip with its own dedicated convention (titled, appropriately enough, Narbonicon) and cementing Shaenon's place in webcomics history. Since starting Narbonic, she has also launched three other webcomics - smithson, Li'l Mell, and Trunktown - and taken over the Editor role at moderntales.com. Shaenon also works as a manga editor at Viz comics, and contributes time at San Francisco's Cartoon Art Museum with her husband Andrew Farago, the Museum's Gallery Manager. We're excited to have them both joining us at Stumptown this year, and talking about their upcoming projects.

Posted August 1, 2007 at 9:34 PM | Permalink


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