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Trophy Awards: Submit Your Works Now!

The 4th annual Stumptown Trophy Awards are currently accepting submissions from artists, writers, illustrators, and self-publishers exhibiting at this year's Stumptown Comics Fest. The Fest takes place April 24th & 25th in Portland, OR, and the deadline for submissions is April 15th, 2010.

Trophies will be awarded in the following six categories:
DIY: For self-published, hand-made works
Design: For overall publication design
Writing: For exemplary writing, and compelling narrative
Art: For illustrations that clearly help the story
Web Comic: For comics and art which appeared initially online
Debut: For works making their worldwide debut at this year's Comics Fest
A seventh trophy, the Mystery Award, will be given at the discretion of the organizers of the awards.

To submit your work for this year's Trophy Awards, begin by filling out the submission form located online at https://stumptowncomics.com/awards. A $5 submission fee is required for each category in which you wish to submit a work for consideration, and a copy of the work must be sent to:

Trophy Awards

Portland, OR

or (if the work is digital) emailed to , before the April 15th deadline. All eligible works will be added to the ballot to be distributed to attendees at the Stumptown Comics Fest on April 24th. Votes will be collected throughout the day and tallied, and the Trophies will be awarded at the after party being hosted by Cosmic Monkey Comics in Portland, OR.

The After-Party is a tradition dating back to the very beginnings of the Fest, and has been hosted at Cosmic Monkey Comics since 2006. This year's party and Trophies Ceremony will take place on Saturday, April 24th starting at 8pm. The Trophies will be presented by Stumptown's own Shannon Wheeler and Carolyn Main, along with radio, film and comics Geek Celebré, Bobby 'Fatboy' Roberts (co-host of the local Cort and Fatboy radio show). After the Trophies Ceremony, be sure to stick around for the infamous Comic Art Battle, where Stumptown cartoonists square off, trading jibes, swipes, and ink-stained blows, competing for fabulous prizes and the adoration of the beer-addled crowd!

Inquiries about the Trophy Awards should be directed to .

Posted February 16, 2010 at 11:09 PM | Permalink


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