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Stumptown Comic Arts Awards 2011 Winners

The Stumptown Comic Art Awards 2011 were presented last night in Portland, OR. In a packed-room ceremony following a bustling first day at the Stumptown Comics Fest, host Bobby "Fatboy" Roberts presented the awards to the winners. Nominees in each category were chosen by a panel of judges consisting of comics industry professionals, journalists, and retailers, and then voted on by the comics-reading public. This year's categories and winners are:

Best Artist
Emily Carroll
, His Face All Red

Best Writer
Aaron Renier
, The Unsinkable Walker Bean

Best Cartoonist
Bryan Lee O'Malley
, Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour

Best Letterer
Johnny Ryan
, Prison Pit #2

Best Colorist
Emily Carroll
, His Face All Red

Best Publication Design
Michael DeForge
, Spotting Deer

Best Anthology
Studygroup 12 #4, edited by Zack Soto

Best Small Press
"I Want You #2" by Lisa Hanawalt

Best New Talent
Michael DeForge

Reader's Choice
Pang, the Wandering Shaolin Monk by Ben Costa

Director's Choice
The Sixth Gun, by Brian Hurtt and Cullen Bunn, published by Oni Press

The awards themselves were sculpted by Leslie Levings of Beastlies.com, with shelves provided by Lavrans Mathiesen, a Portland woodworker.

Congratulations to all of the winners and nominees of the inaugural Stumptown Comic Arts Awards!

Posted April 17, 2011 at 8:22 AM | Permalink


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