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Free Comic Book Day 2011

It's the first week of May again, and you know what that means: Free Comic Book Day! Portland's comic shops are going all-in this year, with signings and events happening all over town this Saturday, May 7th!

Things From Another World is hosting multiple creators in each of their three locations (Beaverton, Milwaukie, and Portland)! Local creators like Steve Lieber, Amy Mebberson, Paul Guinan, Ron Chan, Dustin Weaver, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Ben Bates, Lukas Ketner & Brandon Seifert will spend the day rubbing elbows with PDX Yar Pirates and Stormtroopers from the Cloud City Garrison! More info, and a full schedule, can be found at http://www.tfaw.com/promos/fcbd

Guapo Comics will be hosting a release party for Dan Quayl, a locally published book from Sparkplug, Teenage Dinosaur, Revival House Press and Gazeta Comics. It has art by Amy Kuttab, Jesse McManus, Jason Overby and Blaise Larmee. Also it is a tribute to Portland's one and only John Callahan, so don't miss this chance to meet the artists and publishers!

Cosmic Monkey Comics will be hosting signings by Eisner-winning cartoonist and Too Much Coffee Man creator Shannon Wheeler, and Zachary Baldus, artist of New Mutants, House of Mystery, and a member of the Meathaus art collective. Cosmic Monkey is located at 5335 Northeast Sandy Blvd., and the signing runs from 12-3pm.

Bridge City Comics is celebrating FCBD with artists Matt Holm (artist on the great kid's book Babymouse) and Vinnie Navarrete (artist on Dear Dracula and a new book "Sketch Monsters" from Oni) coming in from 11am - 1pm. More information can be found on their page at http://bridgecitycomics.com/pr_fcbd2011.html

No matter which shop you visit here in town, you're sure to find some great deals, meet some excellent creators, and pick up some fantastic free comics! And don't forget to bring a friend! FCBD is the perfect day to introduce comics to someone who doesn't normally read them!

Posted May 5, 2011 at 11:20 AM | Permalink


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