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icon-nav_calendar Frank Reade Book Launch Event: SEA Location: Bridge City Comics, 3725 N. Mississippi Ave, Phone: ()
Date: Wed, Feb. 15, 2012
Time: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Before Jules Verne's flying machines and H. G. Wells's spaceships, there was Frank Reade, globe-trotting inventor and original steampunk hero. Starting in the nineteenth century, Frank Reade magazines were the world's first science fiction periodicals. Now Frank Reade and his progeny are back in a new book: Frank Reade: Adventures in the Age of Invention! To celebrate the launch of this stunningly designed book, authors Paul Guinan and Anina Bennett--of Boilerplate fame--are hosting a series of events that any Reade family member would be proud to attend.

The events will be held on three consecutive Wednesdays in February, at three Portland comic book stores. Each will have a different theme--Land, Sea, and Air--the three realms Frank Reade explores in his electric vehicles. The authors will also display each of the three model vehicles Guinan himself built for the Frank Reade book, which are rarely shown in public. Attendees will have the chance to talk with the authors and get books signed, as well as meet local steampunks (Land), pirates (Sea), and superheroes (Air).

BONUS: There's a prize at the grand finale event! The first ten attendees who make it to all three events and get their "Land, Sea, and Air" passports stamped will receive a print of an original Frank Reade engraving signed by both authors, plus custom-stamped Frank Reade chocolate "gold coins" (which will also be available for purchase).

Publishers Weekly predicts Frank Reade will "satisfy even the hardest to please of readers" and praises it as "a stunning multimedia confection of the highest order that creates a detailed and delightful world."

Posted January 25, 2012 at 12:55 PM | Permalink


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