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icon-nav_calendar Ladies Night at TFAW: Q&A With Women Creators + Drink & Draw Location: Hollywood Things From Another World, 4133 NE Sandy Boulevard, Portland, OR 97212 ()
Date: Sat, Feb. 4, 2012
Time: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Following the positive response to Drink & Draw Like a Lady: West, hosted with the blessing of original event creators Lucy Knisely and Hope Larson, Things From Another World (TFAW) is proud to announce the debut of Ladies Night on Saturday, February 4. This female-only event will kick off with a Q&A featuring notable local women connected to the comics industry, including Colleen Coover, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Cat Farris, Alison Hallett, Emi Lenox, Jen Van Meter, and Dark Horse Comics Executive Editor Diana Schutz, with a Drink & Draw to follow. Complimentary food and beer/wine (21+ with valid ID) will be provided.

"We had such a great response to Drink & Draw Like a Lady, and personally, I really enjoyed getting to know other women who love comics," said TFAW Marketing Manager Elisabeth Forsythe. "I'm especially excited about our guest speakers, a group of writers, artists, and editors who are a neat cross-section of the local community."

Do you make comics, love reading comics, or just want to learn more about comics? Come spend the evening with Periscope Studio artists Colleen Coover (Gingerbread Girl) and Cat Farris (Legend of Larsha 2), writer/artist Emi Lenox (Emitown), comic book writers Kelly Sue DeConnick (Supergirl) and Jen Van Meter (Avengers Solo), Portland Mercury Arts Editor Alison Hallett, and Dark Horse Editor Diana Schutz on February 4.

TFAW is also offering 10% off everything in the store during the event. The Q&A will begin promptly at 7 p.m., followed by a Drink & Draw and socializing!

Posted January 16, 2012 at 2:42 PM | Permalink


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