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icon-nav_calendar DREAD PATHS TREAD: THE ART OF BENJAMIN MARRA Location: Floating World Comics, 400 NW Couch St., Portland, OR 97209 ()
Date: Thu, Apr. 26, 2012
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
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Benjamin Marra visits from Brooklyn for a very special art exhibit and to celebrate the release of two new comics. First up from Traditional Comics is the debut issue of his new series, Lincoln Washington Free Man.

It's 1868, the hostile period succeeding the American Civil War. When the freed slave Lincoln Washington shows up in the small South Carolina town, Butchergrass, with coin and a deed to a plot of land the locals are none too happy about it. In particular, Jasper, the son of a wealthy plantation owner. Lincoln, accused of a crime he didn't commit, must draw on centuries of racial injustice to give him the power to fight his enemies and defend his inherently human right to freedom! Witness the beginning of this Reconstructionist-Era action epic!!

Floating World has also teamed up with Traditional Comics to publish a broadsheet newsprint (15" x 22.75") edition of Benjamin Marra's American Psycho.

Employing Raymond Pettibon's aesthetics and inspired by the movie "American Psycho", these 28 illustrations "seem almost mathematically calculated to haunt the eyes they meet: whether it's the sublimely balanced blacks and whites or the point-of-impact axe to neck shots." - Matt Seneca, Comics Alliance

Both books make their Portland debut at this event. The artwork will be on exhibit during Stumptown weekend, until Sunday April 29th.

Posted April 13, 2012 at 8:45 AM | Permalink


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