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2013 Stumptown Comics Fest Guest Profile - Ming Doyle

Ming_Doyle.jpgEvery Wednesday, join us as we highlight and celebrate a guest for the 2013 Stumptown Comics Festival. This week we turn our attention to Ming Doyle.

Graduating with a BFA in 2007 from Cornell University, Ming Doyle first gained the attention of the comic book world with her stellar costume redesigns for the site Project: Rooftop. Her nuanced blending of Western character work with traditional Chinese calligraphy brush strokes creates a visual style that garnered her work in the popular anthologies Popgun, Outlaw Territory, and Comic Book Tattoo for Image Comics. In 2009, Doyle partnered with writer Kevin Church on the popular weekly web comic series The Loneliest Astronauts and is currently in talks with a major publisher for physical publication. Ming Doyle brings her 2012 to a close as she works with writer Brian Wood with the release of Mara, a six-issue miniseries from Image Comics. You can learn more about Ming Doyle and her varied work at

Posted December 12, 2012 at 11:13 AM | Permalink


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