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2013 Stumptown Comics Fest Guest Profile - Ted Naifeh

Ted_Naifeh_SelfPortrait.jpgAs we draw closer and closer to the 10th Stumptown Comics Fest, so to do we continue our spotlight on our special guests for this year's festival. This week we turn our focus toward creator Ted Naifeh.

Calling San Francisco his home, Ted Naifeh first entered the comic book world in 1998 as the co-creator of Gloomcookie. In 2002, Naifeh introduced the world to the Eisner award nominated series Courtney Crumrin for Oni Press, wrapping the series in March of 2013. Also with Oni Press, Ted Naifeh is the creator of the swashbuckling series, Polly and the Pirates. In addition to his creator-owned work, Ted Naifeh worked on the DC digital series Ame-Comi Girls: Duela Dent. You can learn more about his work at www.tednaifeh.com

Posted March 28, 2013 at 4:38 PM | Permalink


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