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2013 Stumptown Comics Fest Guest Profile - James Kochalka

James_Kochalka.jpgWith the Stumptown Comics Fest fast approaching, we realized we would run out of time before we ran out of fantastic guest profiles. With that in mind, we kick off our two profiles a week with James Kochalka.

Perhaps best known for his daily webcomic American Elf, which ran from October 1998 to December 2012, this Eisner and Harvey award winning cartoonist James Kochalka is one of the most prolific creators in comics. With a Master of Fine Arts from the Maryland Institute College of Art, Kochalka takes a open-flow, near anti-craft, approach to comics that's often landed him in debates with fellow cartoonists who disagree with his style. Between 2005 and 2007, Kochalka received national recognition with SuperF*ckers from Top Shelf Production. The series recently wrapped a 12-episode series online with Cartoon Hangover. In addition to his comic work, James Kochalka is an accomplished musician with his band James Kochalka Superstar. Still residing in his native Vermont, Kochalka teaches at the Center for Cartoon Studies and in March 2011 he was named Cartoonist Laureate of Vermont, where he'll serve for three years. You can learn more about James Kochalka at www.americanelf.com

Posted March 12, 2013 at 9:26 AM | Permalink


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