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2013 Stumptown Comics Fest Guest Profile - Paul Guinan

Paul-Guinan.jpgAs we continue with our profiles of this year's special guests for the 2013 Stumptown Comics Festival, we're proud to highlight the multifaceted Paul Guinan.

A talented multimedia artist, Paul Guinan gained noticed at First Comics where he co-created Cargonauts, a precursor to Firefly. Moving to DC Comics, Guinan co-created the monthly series Chronos. While at Dark Horse Comics, along with his wife and partner Anina Bennett, he co-created, wrote, and drew the ground breaking female action series Heartbreakers. In 2009 Guinan broke new ground with Boilerplate - Histories Mechanical Marvel, seamlessly merging traditional comic techniques with photo manipulation and historical fiction. The critically acclaimed book was recently optioned by Paramount Pictures for J.J. Abrams. Guinan and Bennett recently produced Frank Reade: Adventures in the Age of Invention, a tonal sequel to their Boilerplate that focuses on America's first pulp hero. You can learn more about Paul Guinan at http://www.bigredhair.com/

Posted April 4, 2013 at 2:39 PM | Permalink


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