2012 Stumptown Comics Fest - Click for More Info
10th Annual Stumptown Comics Fest
April 27 and 28, 2013 • Oregon Convention Center
Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-6


Exhibitors List
(Jump to Floorplan)

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By Table#
Aaron Duran La Brujeria C05
Aaron McConnell M03
Adam Rosenlund Floodworks B05
Addam Pool Adorable People Studios N08
Adrian Ricker www.adrianricker.com C02
Alec Longstreth Phase 7 A03
Ales Kot Wild Children, Change, Zero B06
Alex Culang Buttersafe M08
Alex Pardee www.eyesuckink.com P08
Alex Woolfson Artifice F03
Alexis Fajardo Kid Beowulf J05
Amanda Lafrenais Love Me Nice D08
Amanda Meadows The Devastator P03
Amy Kuttab Website Q05
Amy Riddle Dallas McCoy Q04
Andrew Hill Q10
Andy Johnson Cosmic Monkey Comics Q07
Andy Warner N04
Anina Bennett www.BigRedHair.com L01
Annie Murphy F04
Arnold Pander Pander Bros. Comics I10
Aron Steinke Big Plans, Mr. Wolf N02
Ashlie Hammond Are You My Breakfast? F02
Astrid Lydia Johannsen Threads from the Blue Rock Tapestry O04
Barry Deutsch Hereville O03
Becky Cloonan Wolves, The Mire, Demo H01
Becky Hawkins French Toast Comix O03
Ben Bates L06
Ben Dewey L03
Ben Horak Grump Toast, Bird & Sausage, Intruder, Asphalt C07
Benja Barker A02
Benjamin Marra Night Business P09
Beth Dean Black Forest Publishing H02
Beth Hetland Hooray for Comics C07
Bill Crabtree The Sixth Gun D05
Bill Mudron www.billmudron.com F05
Bill Willingham Fables G01
Blue Delliquanti O Human Star Q03
Boulet The Bouletcorp G06
Brad Britton M09
Brandon Graham Multiple Warheads, Prophet P09
Brandon Seifert P01
Breena Wiederhoeft Oaks J07
Brenden Clawson Tomorrow Tales B08
Brian Hurtt The Sixth Gun D05
Brian Meredith Mash Tun Q04
C. Spike Trotman Templar, Arizona Q03
C.L. Dahlstrom Tomorrow Tales B08
C.M. Butzer Zombie Cat & Rabid Rabbit I07
Caitlin Like M03
Carolyn Main Sex Wizards O08
Cat Farris Cat Farris L08
Catherine Peach catherinepeach.com A06
Caytlin Vilbrandt Walking on Broken Glass B10
Charles Brownstein CBLDF D01
Chloë Dalquist Website P10
Chloe Eudaly Reading Frenzy E02
Chloe Rice www.itschloe.com P08
Chris Sheridan Powderkeg Press H05
Christopher Herndon www.christopherherndon.com G07
Christopher Sebela High Crimes P01
Chynna Clugston Flores Blue Monday, Queen Bee J01
Claire Sanders Website A03
Colin Westerfield White Knuckle Birthday C10
Colleen Coover Bandette K08
Conley Smith B02
Corey Lewis Sharknife O09
Crystal Rollins Wayward Studios B03
Dan Schkade The Private Files of The Fowl H07
Dane Ault Captain Dan vs. The Kraken F02
Dash Shaw BodyWorld Q01
Dave Kelly So What? Press C03
Dave W N04
Davin "Say It Right And Win A Prize" Bushey One Inch Comics M09
Diana Nock The Intrepid Girlbot Q03
Doctor Popular American Analog G09
Dustin Weaver L06
Dylan Meconis Family Man, Outfoxed, Bite Me! L02
Eamon Espey Songs of the Abyss, Wormdye D04
Ed Luce Wuvable Oaf Q08
Ellen Lindner The Strumpet O02
Emi Gennis SPAZ! Comics J03
Emi Lenox Emitown Q05
Emily Nilsson Sparkplug Books F04
Eric Reynolds Fantagraphics Books Q01
Erika Moen Oh Joy, Sex Toy, DAR!, Bucko L10
Erin McCarty Website Q05
Evan Dahm Rice Boy Comics J02
Ezra Butt O07
Ezra Claytan Daniels Upgrade Soul F09
Faith Erin Hicks www.faitherinhicks.com O01
Farel Dalrymple It Will All Hurt P09
Francois Vigneualt Elf World P09
Gayle Moffet H07
Geoffrey Golden The Devastator P03
Grace Alison Grace Alison K07
Greg Khmara Mason Street Press O09
Greg Means Tugboat Press A03
Greg Rucka Stumptown, Lazarus, Lady Sabre C06
Hannah Blumenreich G05
Hope Larson Who Is AC? A04
Ian Pike Little Fish Comic Book Studio Q09
Ibrahim Moustafa High Crimes P01
Jack Bracken Freelance Writer H09
Jack Kent Gulls N02
Jacob Mercy PIZZA GUN I09
Jacob Pander Pander Bros. Comics I10
Jake Richmond Modest Medusa N09
Jake Standley jakestandley.com D06
James Kochalka American Elf M06
James Sinclair La Brujeria C05
James Stanton Gnartoons I08
Jamie S Rich It Girl and the Atomics J10
Jason Fischer Studio JFISH O09
Jason Leivian Floating World Comics P09
Jason Martin actionlabcomics.com O06
Jason Pott NEÖtrash Comix P07
Jason Thompson Website P10
Jeff Parker L06
Jen Van Meter Hopeless Savages C06
Jen Waters Sock Dreams ATRIUM 01
Jenn Manley Lee Dicebox C04
Jennifer Parks Lone Wolf Q05
Jeremy Barlow Jeremy Barlow L06
Jesse Hamm Jesse Hamm L06
Jesse Snavlin TheCommitteeBuilding.com H07
Joanna Estep Thrilling Adventure Hour F08
Joëlle Jones Helheim J10
Jon McNaught Dockwood E02
Jon Siruno P01
Jonathan Case The Creep, Dear Creature, Green River Killer L05
Jonathan Hill Americus, One of the Johns J07
Jonathon Dalton A Mad Tea-Party B07
Josh Shalek Falling Rock National Park I05
Julia Gfrörer H04
Jung Hu Lee A08
Justin Hocking IPRC K02
Justin Jordan H06
Justin Zimmerman Bricker-Down Productions P05
Karen Krajenbrink P10
Karen Luk Website P10
Karl Kesel M05
Karl Stevens Failure Q02
Katie Bednark Dark Horse Comics E01
Katie Lane Work Made For Hire L02
Katie Longua Comic Strip Club G10
Katrina Fox Living Dead Girls A02
Keenan Keller F04
Keith Carter www.kcarterart.com Q05
Kel McDonald Sorcery 101 D08
Kenan Rubenstein Last Train to Old Town I02
Kevin Uehlein Sweatpants Kid, Dumbass Dog, Visions of the Aporkalypse C07
Kevin Wilson Titanzer B07
Kimball Davis Briar Hollow L09
Kinoko The Epic of Gilgamesh G03
Kip Manley City of Roses C04
Kory Bing Skin Deep D07
Lara Antal So What? Press C03
Lazerface Natehawk Shark Comics A07
Leia Weathington The Legend of Bold Riley F07
Les McClaine The Tick/Jonny Crossbones P01
Lisa Rosalie Eisenberg P01
Liz Prince Alone Forever C08
Lucy Bellwood Baggywrinkles D02
Lukas Ketner Witch Doctor B08
Luke Mahan P01
Ma'at Crook Womanthology: Heroic J09
Mac Cooper White Knuckle Birthday C10
Mackenzie Meredith Doctor Zombie Q04
Mackenzie Schubert PLAIN comics G02
Manny Trembley N07
Marc Arsenault Alternative Comics Q02
Marc Moscato Dill Pickle Club K01
Marc Palm I08
Mark Monlux The Comic Critic D03
Mark Thompson Monstark B09
Martin French K04
Maryanna Hoggatt Adult Babysitting Q05
Matt Bors mattbors.com A05
Matt Nelson Catbeard the Pirate! N07
Matt Sundstrom Fantom Forest H02
Matt Youngmark Chooseomatic Books D03
Matthew Nolan www.internationalhobo.com L10
Matthew Ocasio The Matter H09
Matthew Rainwater Garage Raja C09
Max Clotfelter Pube Smoke I08
Max Young Blacked Out J03
Meg Hunt K04
Melanie Ujimori Crab Tank F10
Meredith Scheff LadyCartoonist G09
Michael Constan Multnomah County Library K03
Michael DiMotta J08
Michael Ring Bridge City Comics P02
Michelle Nguyen www.michellenguyenart.com C02
Mike Russell CulturePulp / The Sabertooth Vampire F06
Ming Doyle Mara I06
Mita Mahato These Frames Are Hiding Places O04
Molly Hayden The Lay of the Lacrymer D02
Monica Gallagher Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five / Glitter Kiss J08
Morgan Jeske B06
Murilo Martins murilo O05
Muse Art and Design Muse Art and Design E03
Natalie Nourigat Natalie Nourigat L04
Neil Brideau The Plot! I04
Nico Hitori De Spell Checkers A08
Nicole Georges Calling Dr Laura A03
Nomi Kane Website I04
Pat Barrett Oak & Linden C07
Patrick Yurick American BOOOM! Q09
Paul Friedrich Onion Head Monster M07
Paul Guinan www.BoilerplateRobot.com L01
Paul Tobin K08
Peggy von Burkleo Samhain Night B10
Peter Hoey Coin-Op N03
Peter Wartman Over The Wall P06
Phil Foglio Girl Genius M01
Pony Club Pony Club Gallery Q05
Portland Geek Council Portland Geek Council ATRIUM 02
Rafer Roberts Plastic Farm O10
Ramsey Beyer Year One C08
Randall Kirby BOP! Comics F03
Ray Castro Buttersafe M08
Reid Psaltis Carry On Carrion, Cryptozoology, Hells Dachshunds H10
Rembrand Le Compte Beardfluff M10
Rhiannon Rasmussen-Silverstein Crab Tank F10
Rich Ellis Rich Ellis K07
Riley Rossmo rileyrossmo.com I01
Robbi Rodriguez Frankie Get Your Gun H03
Robin Bogert Junqueland O09
Robin Ha The Strumpet O02
Ron Chan Roy's Boys L07
Ron Randall Ron Randall M04
Ryan Alexander-Tanner Ohyesverynice Comics A06
Sam Alden Eighth Grade G04
Sara Ryan L06
Sarah Mirk www.mirkwork.com A07
Sera Stanton TEMI G04
Sfé M. Kyle & Atticus D07
Shauna Noah Jupiter Hotel ATRIUM 03
Shawn Aldridge Vic Boone N06
Sina Grace Not My Bag, Li'l Depressed Boy N01
Star St.Germain This Is Star I03
STCF Photo Booth A01
STCF Podcast Booth Q11
STCF Portfolio Reviews C01
STCF Signing Table B01
Steve Lieber Steve Lieber K05
Taneka Stotts Gran Grimoire N08
Ted Naifeh Courtney Crumrin J06
Teen Artist 60 Tons of Battle N10
Terri Nelson Terri Nelson K06
Terry Blas Briar Hollow L09
Things From Another World TFAW.com F01
Tom Kaczynski Beta Testing the Apocalypse P06
Tom Neely I Will Destroy You F04
Tom Shimmin Oni Press Q06
Top Shelf Productions Top Shelf Productions P04
Tradd Moore The Legend of Luther Strode H06
Tyler Chin-Tanner A Wave Blue World P05
Tyler Crook BPRD, Petrograd J09
Tyrell Cannon Gary H08
Valentine Barker Chalky Hearts D06
Virginia Paine Sparkplug Books F04
Wacom Wacom ATRIUM 04
Wook Jin Clark L06
Yuki Saeki M03
Zack Corcoran Blasphemous Saga Fantasy J04
Zack Soto Study Group Comics P09
Zan Christensen Northwest Press F03


(Also available as a PDF download)
Our Proud Sponsors:
Stumptown Comics, Inc.
Board of Directors




