2012 Stumptown Comics Fest - Click for More Info
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icon-nav_calendar Drink and Draw with Peter Bagge at Bridge City Comics! Location: Bridge City Comics, 3725 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR 97227 ()
Date: Fri, Apr. 27, 2012
Time: 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

In celebration of the release of Peter Bagge's newest comics series, RESET, Dark Horse Comics and Bridge City Comics present the 2012 Stumptown Comics Festival kickoff event -- a Friday night Drink and Draw for visiting and local artists, publishers, and all festival-goers!

Bagge will be in attendance as the guest of honor with copies of RESET#1 to sign, and party guests will be provided with complementary art supplies to draw to their hearts' content. This Drink and Draw event is a fun and casual way for festival participants to get the weekend off to a friendly and inspired start. Snacks and drinks will also be served, complements of Bridge City, Dark Horse, and Ninkasi Brewing.

Admission to this event is free, and the drawing starts at 7 pm. Bridge City Comics is located at 3725 N. Mississippi Ave. in Portland.

Posted April 26, 2012 at 7:29 AM | Permalink


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