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icon-nav_calendar Frank Santoro's Comic Book Layout Workshop Location: Floating World Comics, 400 NW Couch St., Phone: ()
Date: Thu, Feb. 9, 2012
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Why do some comics read easier than others? Is it the story, the cartooning or the page design? Frank Santoro will demonstrate how some cartoonists such as Hal Foster and Herge used visual harmonies and structures in their page designs much like classical oil painters. Discover the similarities between visual and musical harmonies and how some of the great cartoonists used dynamic symmetry like a map to organize their stories.

Also, after the talk, Frank will lead an informal FREE workshop focusing on formats available for the comic book maker in 2012. Everyone is welcome. Come see what Frank Santoro's Correspondence Course is all about - or come on down just to argue with Frank - maybe even buy a book and get it signed.

Frank Santoro is the artist behind the acclaimed comic books Storeyville and Cold Heat. His work has also appeared in Kramers Ergot. He has exhibited his drawings and paintings internationally. Based in Pittsburgh, Santoro is well known for his visionary colors and evocative sense of place.


Posted January 25, 2012 at 1:05 PM | Permalink


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