2012 Stumptown Comics Fest - Click for More Info
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icon-nav_calendar Original artwork by Emi Lenox & Natalie Nourigat Location: Floating World Comics, 400 NW Couch St., Phone: ()
Date: Thu, Feb. 2, 2012 - Wed, Feb. 29, 2012
Artist Reception & Print Release: Thu, Feb. 2, 2012, 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
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This February, Floating World is proud to exhibit original artwork by local artists, Emi Lenox and Natalie Nourigat. Each artist will display pages from their two new books, EmiTown Vol. 2 and Between Gears, which will be released later in the month by Image Comics.

Emi and Natalie have each created a brand new archival print which will also be available at the show.

Art on display until Feb. 29


Based out of Portland, Oregon, Emi Lenox is a comic creator widely known for EmiTown which was released into a printed collection by Image in Dec. '10. She has also had work in Mike Allred's Madman and Jeff Lemire's Sweet Tooth. She has just finished working on the second collection of EmiTown. Basically, she's just a nutty girl with a case of the munchies and a deep fond love for comics, cats, bassets, and iPods.


Natalie 'Tally' Nourigat, is a sequential artist living in Portland, Oregon. Natalie graduated from the University of Oregon's Clark Honors College in 2010. Her first book, Between Gears, is about to be published by Image Comics. She is currently working on a new graphic novel and a children's book series. She appeared in Image Comics' anthology 'This Is A Souvenir' in 2009 and is a member of Periscope Studios.


Posted January 25, 2012 at 1:10 PM | Permalink


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