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icon-nav_calendar EmiTown Vol. 2 Release Party with Emi Lenox Location: Bridge City Comics, 3725 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR 97227 ()
Date: Fri, Mar. 9, 2012
Time: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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Bridge City Comics is proud to announce our EmiTown Vol. 2 Release Party on Friday, March 9, 2012 from 6pm - 9pm! This event is free to the public. In attendance to sign autographs will be local author Emi Lenox. Copies of the book will be available for sale ($24.99) during the event.

Emi Lenox's day by day autobiographical sketch journey continues in the second volume of EmiTown! Life gets serious in year two with complications of a relationship, the loss of a job, and the excitement of a blooming career. Widely acclaimed for her different approach to diary comics, Emi illustrates each day with humor and brilliance.

Emi once again teams up with Image Comics to publish the second volume of EmiTown! This hefty volume clocks in at 400 pages (much like the first volume) and both this and copies of EmiTown Vol. 1 will be available for purchase!

About the Author:
Based out of Portland, Oregon, Emi Lenox is a comic creator widely known for EmiTown which has been released into a printed collection by Image in Dec. '10. She has also had work in Mike Allred's Madman and Jeff Lemire's Sweet Tooth. She is currently working on the second collection of EmiTown. Basically, she's just a nutty girl with a case of the munchies and a deep fond love for comics, cats, bassets, and ipods.

Posted February 23, 2012 at 11:50 AM | Permalink


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