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icon-nav_calendar "Ghost Town" by Emi Lenox Location: Sequential Art Gallery + Studio, 328 NW Broadway #113, Portland, OR 97209 ()
Date: Thu, Mar. 1, 2012 - Sat, Mar. 31, 2012
Artist Reception: Thu, Mar. 1, 2012, 6:00 to 10:00 PM

For the month of March, Sequential Art Gallery will be hosting local artist Emi Lenox... and just in time for the release of her book EmiTown Volume 2!

Ghost Town, art by Emi Lenox
Opens: First Thursday, March 1, 2012, 6-10pm
Closes: Saturday, March 31, 2012
Open Thursdays 3-7pm, Saturdays 11am-5pm, or by appointment

Lenox has created nine original art pieces especially for her "Ghost Town" show, done in watercolor and ink. The exhibit will also include original pages from EmiTown Volume 2, the second print collection of Lenox's autobiographical online comic, coming in March from Image Comics. Please join us for the artist's reception on First Thursday, March 1, from 6-10pm to check out this wonderful local talent!

Based out of Portland, Oregon, Emi Lenox is a comics creator widely known for her online autobiographical comic, EmiTown. Her work can also be seen in Mike Allred's Madman and Jeff Lemire's Sweet Tooth. Basically, she's just a nutty girl with the case of the munchies and a deep fond love for comics, cats, bassets, and iPods.

Posted February 24, 2012 at 10:06 AM | Permalink


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