2012 Stumptown Comics Fest - Click for More Info
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icon-nav_calendar Avengers VS X-Men LAUNCH PARTY Location: Excalibur Comics, 2444 SE Hawthorne Blvd Ste 1, Portland, OR ()
Date: Tue, Apr. 3, 2012
Time: 8:00pm - 10:00pm

The Battle begins at Excalibur! Join us for the Official Portland Launch Party for AvX!! This Tuesday evening, get AvX #1 at Portland's #1 destination for comic book adventure!

Our special guests are some of the talent responsible for this blowout battle royale between our favorite heroes:

-->AvX co-writer MATT FRACTION (Casanova, Invincible Iron Man, Defenders, Fear Itself)

-->Marvel talent scout/writer/editor CB CEBULSKI

These two gentlemen are among the top talents responsible for all the action and excitement that comes out of The House of Ideas, you won't want to miss out on hearing them discuss their work and what goes into creating such a giant comics event such as AvX!

We polled our customers, and your voice was loud and clear, Excalibur is officially an X-MEN ally in this melee! Stop by for exclusive goodies!

It's ON!

Posted March 28, 2012 at 4:26 PM | Permalink


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