2012 Stumptown Comics Fest - Click for More Info
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icon-nav_calendar The Storm in the Barn Location: The Winningstad Theatre, 1111 SW Broadway at Main St., Portland, OR ()
Date: Sat, Apr. 28, 2012 - Sun, May. 20, 2012
Time: Saturdays at 2pm and 5pm, Sundays at 2pm
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A world premiere play based on a graphic novel, and featuring orginal music composed by local band Black Prairie.

It's 1937 and the Kansas dust swirls as far as the eye can see. Eleven-year-old Jack and his family struggle to survive the Dust Bowl. With no rain clouds on the horizon, the future is grim.

Bullied, not big enough to work, and a disappointment to his father, Jack feels useless in the face of hardship--until he discovers a sinister figure with a face like a thunderstorm. Is it just "dust dementia"? Or has he found a way to pull the town out of desperation?

Both tall tale and thrilling historical fiction, The Storm in the Barn--with original music by Portland band Black Prairie--captures the spare, muted, ethereal mood of the award-winning graphic novel.
Recommended for ages 10 and up.

Posted March 28, 2012 at 4:02 PM | Permalink


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