2012 Stumptown Comics Fest - Click for More Info
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icon-nav_calendar Stumptown Comics Fest 2012 Location: Oregon Convention Center, 777 NE ML King Blvd. Portland, OR 97232 ()
Date: Sat, Apr. 28, 2012 - Sun, Apr. 29, 2012
Time: Sat. 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, Sun 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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The 9th Annual Stumptown Comics Fest is set to be the best yet! With special guests like Usagi Yojimbo creator Stan Sakai and multi-talented artist and writer Mike Allred (Madman, iZombie), this year's celebration of comics in the city of Portland shouldn't be missed. Other esteemed guests include award-winning writer Kurt Busiek, rising-star artist Chris Samnee, and respected creators like Pete Bagge, Nate Powell, and many more!

Fans and professionals will also have a variety of panels to attend, like a writing class with Marvel's Brian Michael Bendis, a discussion of comics and politics with activist Bill Ayers, syndicated cartoonist Matt Bors, Portland Mercury's Sarah Mirk and others, plus several workshops including one with Eisner nominated creator Jeff Lemire. Weekend passes to the Stumptown Comics Festival at the Oregon Convention Center are only $12 and include access to the Oni Press afterparty on Saturday, April 27th at the Jupiter Hotel.

Posted April 22, 2012 at 12:16 PM | Permalink


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