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2013 Stumptown Comics Fest Guest Profile - Boulet

Boulet.jpgEvery Wednesday, join us as we highlight and celebrate a guest for the 2013 Stumptown Comics Festival. This week we turn our attention to Boulet.

Boulet honed his natural-surrealist style at the Graduate School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg, France. In June 2001, Boulet released his first work, Raghnarok, Tome 1: Dragon Junior. A lighthearted tale of a young dragon, his mother, and grandmother, Raghnarok and it's follow-up books found praise for Boulet's whimsical, yet honest approach to children's literature. In 2004, he became one of the first French cartoonists to start and maintain an ongoing webcomic series. A series that continues to this day and as of December, 2012 has seen seven complete printed volumes. In addition to his ongoing series and books, Boulet is a frequent contributor to the magazines Tchô and Psikopat. Stumptown Comics, Inc. would like to extend a special thanks to the French Consulate in helping to finance Boulet's appearance in Portland and the 2013 Stumptown Comics Fest. You can learn more about Boulet and his work at http://english.bouletcorp.com/.

Posted December 20, 2012 at 9:05 AM | Permalink


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