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2013 Stumptown Comics Fest Exhibitor Profile - Tranquility Base

TranquilityBase.jpgEvery Wednesday, join us as we highlight and celebrate a guest for the 2013 Stumptown Comics Festival. This week we again diverge and focus on a exhibitor: Portland's newest comics collective, Tranquility Base.

As Portland continues to grow as one of the countries biggest comic book cities, so too does the cooperative nature of creation. Formed in 2009, Tranquility Base is the home to some of comics fastest rising stars. The 10th annual Stumptown Comics Fest is proud to present so many talented members of the comics community from Tranquility Base:

Lisa Rosalie Eisenberg (I Cut My Hair, Bearfight!)
(Orcaskine, Baristocracy)
Les McClaine (Jonny Crossbones, The Middleman)
Ibrahim Moustafa (High Crimes, The Pound)
Brandon Seifert (Witch Doctor, Doctor Who, Hellraiser)
(The Middlemen)

For more information about Tranquility Base, please visit

Posted January 16, 2013 at 11:04 AM | Permalink


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